Hi visitors, Here is Bollywood old famous actor Kabir Bedi Marries Long Time partner Parveen on 70th Birthday. The couple had visited the Gurudwara on Thursday to seek Blessings. Bedi, who walked the red carper with Parveen Dusanj said, "Welcome to my annual 70th birthday I have always said anybody in this business who survives 25 years or more deserves an Oscar for survival so I am an Oslo Canadian in that sense," Bedi told reporters during the birthday celebration.
"I wish to thank every single person who has loved me, wished me, supported me and wanted the best for me. I hope I live up to their expectation and believe me the best is yet to come," he added. So have a look and stay tuned.
"I wish to thank every single person who has loved me, wished me, supported me and wanted the best for me. I hope I live up to their expectation and believe me the best is yet to come," he added. So have a look and stay tuned.
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